Page 120 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 120

Activity 2
                                                                                 • If you have access to a
                                                                                   computer, play the video so
                                                                                   students can watch Wangari
                                                                                   Maathai tell her anecdote.
                                                                                 • Ask students to match the facial
                                                                                   expressions with the body
                                                                                   language portrayed in the video.
                                                                                 • If you have some spare time,
                                                                                   encourage students to perform
                                                                                   Wangari Maathai’s anecdote and
                                                                                   to use the appropriate
                                                                                   body language.
                                                                                 Activity 3

                                                                                 • Play the track and tell students
                                                                                   to focus on the sound effects.    T
                                                                                 • Encourage them to take notes
                                                                                   on everything they hear on       rack 36
                                                                                   the track.
                                                                                 • Elicit all the sound effects used
                                                                                   and complete the chart.
                                                                                 • Have them read out the sound
                                                                                   effects they identified and
                                                                                   elicit where the track takes
                                                                                   place. They should be able to
                                                                                   recognize that it is set in a forest,
                                                                                   or in the Kenyan countryside, as
                                                                                   we can hear an ax cutting a tree,
                                                                                   some birds chirping, etc.
                                                                                 • The CD icon will appear
                                                                                   throughout the practice to

               indicate the activity the track is linked to. However, remember the way we order activities is a suggestion
               and you may change them to suit the purposes you established with your students.

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