Page 13 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 13
Components successful communication are put into
play. At this stage, with your guidance and
support, students will need to self-regulate
The @ccess didactic pack contains four their learning, that is, to recognize which
different materials, which are described next: skills, knowledge and attitudes require
attention so as to solve communicative,
cultural and attitudinal challenges
1. Student’s Book. This is composed of ten involved in their language products. Thus,
social language practices. Each practice it is essential to stop as many times as
shows a didactic sequence organized into necessary to assess their performance,
three stages: warm-up, building and closure. which scheduled activities they have
It includes the steps, activities, and linguistic already done and which they have not.
knowledge required to become more Check the activities in which they require
proficient at participating in the practice, more support and why there is or isn’t good
while achieving the expected outcomes and communication within teams so that they
developing the language products. Each become more autonomous and develop
stage has distinguishing features, which are social skills. For all these reasons, the
summarized below:
content and form of a language product are
• Warm-up stage: Its aims are to retrieve defined at this stage, which is comprised of
previous knowledge and students’ reaching agreements, negotiating, giving
experiences with the language practice, and rationales and sharing ideas, among others.
to plan steps and activities needed to craft • Closure stage-socialization: This
a language product. A planning schedule stage has a number of goals. The first is
is included, so students can check on what comprised of reviewing and preparing
they will be doing. Thus, students will know the final version of the language product,
what is expected of them, and they will be so it can be conveyed to the addressee
able to identify in which steps or activities established in previous stages. The second
they will require more support and in which is to assess the product itself, i.e., if it fulfills
they can act more independently. Also, the communicative, cultural and linguistic
planning the schedule allows students conventions established, and what its
to take control of the steps for creating a impact on the addressee is. The third is to
language product. That way, the steps can assess the learning process and its results
be completed in the time allocated to each with regard to the social language practice
practice. In this stage, students identify their in order to:
starting time and they can establish what a) identify rights and wrongs in
they need to know and what they need to performance and product;
know how to do to become proficient users b) assess how to strengthen what has been
of the language while producing a language done correctly and how to resolve any
product, i.e., a text or discourse with social problems, so they can be taken into
purposes and an actual addressee. account as soon as possible.
• Building stage: In this stage, different
communicative activities take place, so as 2. Teacher’s Book. This book was thought of
to develop, widen and consolidate skills and crafted to support and give a hand to
and knowledge therein involved. Students your industrious tasks. It has the following
will carry out activities such as looking sections:
up information, exploring, interpreting,
composing and checking the texts required • A smaller-sized version of the Student’s
for a language product. These, in turn, will Book with answers for the activities. This
trigger authentic communicative exchanges section has the aim of helping in the review
where reflection upon formal details and process and providing constant feedback
conduct, and behaviors and values for for your students.
12 Teacher’s Book