Page 14 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 14
• Suggestions to develop each activity in Though the audio tracks were created for the
the three stages involved in producing aforementioned purposes, you are free to use
a language product (warm-up, building, them as you like.
closure). These suggestions include
attitudes, values and behaviors expected 4. Reader’s Book. This material is an
while interacting, basic skills and linguistic anthology that provides students with a
details involved in communication and number of different texts to acquaint them
strategies for learning how to learn. with the English language. It was created
• Assessment instruments with the aim of with the following aims:
supporting and monitoring your students’
progress with regard to the benchmarks of • To offer texts in English so that members
of the school community have access to
the level of proficiency in English.
• A transcript of the audio tracks for each materials in this language.
practice, so that you have access to this • To give students a short range of texts akin
content and you may use it as you like. to those used in each practice.
• A reference section with the materials used • To be a guide for your students to identify
the features of texts they can look up in
within the @ccess didactic pack.
libraries or on the web. Having different
3. CD. The audio tracks, whose transcripts models is useful for your students to find out
are included on the CD and in the Teacher’s whether texts are useful for their purposes
Book, are identified in the Student’s Book or not.
by means of an icon. These are used • To show the different text formats of the
throughout the practices to: different texts contained in this book. Since
it is an anthology, each text has different
• Model expressions used while discussing or graphic components to distinguish it from
exchanging ideas, feelings, experiences, etc. the others.
• Illustrate how to ask and answer questions in • To help you to enhance your didactic
different situations. practice by providing you with a number
• Offer models of different English variants. of texts to work with. This will help you to
• Work with acoustic features such as voice compose similar texts to be shared with
volume, pace and tone.
your students.
Being Through RB: This icon Remember:
Language leads you to A section with
Being through language: Reader's your Reader's information you
A section with information Book page 21 already know, but
that should be taken
about behaviors and attitudes into account when
that foster communication. Remember
This icon gives carrying out some The participants
you the cue to activities. in a dialogue
are called
TRACK 10 play a CD track This icon
(your teacher IT
will play it). provides
Individual Team activity suggested
The translation fables
of difficult lawyer Glossary:
Pair Whole-class words is Glossary on This icon indicates
page 182
activity represented by to check a word in
this icon. the Glossary section.
Teacher’s Book 13