Page 195 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
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Oona: None other! So you can guess what size TRACK 15 (Practice 2, Activity 16)
of man his daddy is.
Cuhullin: He must have a powerful set of teeth! Oona: Now, hold your tongue, Fin, and put on
Narrator 1: Now, this was just what Oona was this nightgown of mine.
hoping for. Fin: What?! Me put on the clothes of a woman?!
Oona: Oh, a grand set. Just slip your finger in Are you trying to make a fool of me?
there to feel them. Open your mouth now, baby, Oona: Trust me, now, Fin.
and let the nice man put in his big, strong finger.
Narrator 4: So Cuhullin slipped his great right TRACK 16 (Practice 2, Activity 16)
forefinger into Fin’s mouth.
Oona: Push it well in, till you feel the back ones. Cuhullin: Aaahhhhhh! A thousand thunderbolts!
Narrator 2: Cuhullin pushed in his finger as far as Woman, what did you put in your bread?!
it would go.
Narrator 3: SNAP! —Fin bit it off, swallowed it, TRACK 17 (Practice 2, Activity 16)
then leapt from the cradle.
Fin: (celebration sounds) Fin: Oona, he’s coming, and he’s a terrible size
Cuhullin: (roars of pain) of a creature! What can I do? If I run away, I’ll be
Fin: Now, what did you say you’d do to Fin shamed forever! And if I stay here, he’ll tie my
MacCool? body in knots!
Cuhullin: (growling with anger and pain)
Narrator 1: Cuhullin made a great swipe at Fin TRACK 18 (Practice 2, Activity 21)
with his fist.
Cuhullin: (hits with his right fist and complains of Oona: Mmm, what ails you, Fin?
pain) Fin: Ach, Oona, it’s this Cuhullin.
Narrator 4: But he’d lost his finger, and all his
strength with it, so all he did was hurt his hand. TRACK 19 (Practice 2, Activity 23)
Cuhullin: (roars of frustration and runs away)
Fin: Ach, yes, you’d better run! Narrator 3: Just then, Cuhullin came walking up
Oona: Now, Fin, don’t be too hard on the poor fast to the house.
thing! Cuhullin: Good day to you.
Narrator 2: Fin chased Cuhullin halfway across Oona: Come in, then, and welcome! It will grieve
Ireland before he let him go. my husband to know you called when he wasn’t
Narrator 3: And after that, he was free to get on here to greet you.
with his road. Cuhullin: Well, now, that’s very civil of you,
woman. But it grieves me even more to learn he’s
The end not at home, ’cause I was told I’d find him here.
TRACK 13 (Practice 2, Activity 8) TRACK 20 (Practice 2, Activity 23)
Narrator: Fin is building a bridge between Narrator 2: She sat him down and put his food
Ireland and Scotland when he hears that before him, with a big pile of bread loaves—the
Cuhullin, a very strong giant, wants to beat him ones she’d made with the iron griddles inside.
in a fight. He hurries home and tells Oona, his Cuhullin: Now, that’s fine-looking bread.
wife. He is quite worried, but Oona tells him Narrator 3: Cuhullin picked up a loaf and sunk
everything will be all right. his teeth into it.
Cuhullin: Aaahhhhhh! A thousand thunderbolts!
TRACK 14 (Practice 2, Activity 16)
TRACK 21 (Practice 2, Activity 23)
Fin: Oona, me love.
Oona: Ach, Fin, it’s glad I am to see you. I hope Narrator 4: She took one of the loaves off the
you’re a bit hungry, for I fixed a little something table and walked over to the cradle where Fin
when I saw you coming. was lying dressed like a baby.
194 Teacher’s Book