Page 191 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 191
Social language practice 8: Read brief essays to compare cultural traditions.
• Checklist example.
Social learning environment: Ludic and literary
Expected learning outcomes
Reads brief literary essays. Reads and understands Describes and compares
general meaning, main cultural traditions.
ideas and details from
literary essays.
Student name Always Sometimes Not yet Always Sometimes Not yet Always Sometimes Not yet
Social language practice 9: Write down points of view to participate in a round-table discussion.
• Anecdotic notes example.
Social learning environment: Academic and educational
Expected learning Notes Expected learning Notes
outcomes outcomes
Reviews civics AM: Enough Understands general IU: Has difficulty when
texts and chooses information, with precise meaning and main reading individually.
information. selection criteria. ideas.
Comments on others’ AV: Fosters positive and
points of view when constructive relationships.
participating in a
round table.
Social language practice 10: Express verbal complaints about a product.
• Graphic assessment scale example.
Social learning environment: Family and community
Expected learning outcomes: Agrees on a trip schedule with others.
Listens to and evaluates Interprets general Composes oral complaints.
complaints about meaning, main ideas and
products. details in complaints.
Student 1 x - - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x x - x - x - - x - x
Student 2 x - x - x - x - x - x - - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
Student 3 x - - x - x - x - x x - - x - x - x - x x - x - - x - x - x
190 Teacher’s Book