Page 192 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 192
Transcripts TRACK 8 (Practice 1, Activity 25)
Voice 1: When I listened to track 7, it struck a
chord listening to the child crying.
PRACTICE 1 Voice 2: Yes, it gives more of a dramatic feeling,
compared to Track 4.
TRACK 2 (Practice 1, Activities 8, 12 and 16) TRACK 9 (Practice 1, Activities 29 and 31)
Mother: My children are hungry. I have no
money to feed them. Narrator:
Narrator: Malnutrition in girls and boys under 5 Don’t be blind to bullying.
is a widespread problem. Don’t shy away from bullying.
Mother: We only had a little chili and tortillas. Resist the urge to become another bully.
Narrator: While some are undernourished, When bullying stops, happiness can thrive.
others suffer from obesity and being overweight. You are not alone.
Kid: Mom sent me to school with a soda and Bullying should have no place in our schools.
some chips. You have the power to end bullying.
Narrator: Undernutrition and obesity and public
health problems, leading to chronic diseases and TRACK 10 (Practice 1, Activity 32)
early death. In order to avoid this, it is important
to have a well and balanced diet. Narrator: Bullying is acting mean to another
Narrator: Don’t turn your back on childhood person repeatedly. This can involve spreading
obesity and malnutrition! Keep junk food away rumors, hitting or yelling at someone.
from children! Narrator: Bullying involves many people, bullied
people, bullies and those who see bullying in
TRACK 3 (Practice 1, Activities 9 and 14) action.
Bullying really hurts kids who are. Bullied people
Narrator: Malnutrition in girls and boys under 5 can feel alone and defenseless.
is a widespread problem. Narrator: Nobody should hurt anyone else. You
could change someone’s life by helping end the
TRACK 4 (Practice 1, Activities 9, 14 and 25) bullying. Stop the bullying now!
Narrator: While some are undernourished, TRACK 11 (Practice 1, Reader’s Book)
others suffer from obesity and overweight.
Woman: We Can!
TRACK 5 (Practice 1, Activities 9 and 14)
Don’t you wish that getting your child to eat
Narrator: Undernutrition and obesity are public right, move more and spend less time in front of
health problems, leading to chronic diseases and a screen could be as easy as pushing a button?
early death. In order to avoid this, it is important Well, you have more power than you know.
to have a well balanced diet. The National Institutes of Health’s We Can!
program can provide you with tips and tools to
TRACK 6 (Practice 1, Activity 10) help your child stay at a healthy weight.
Narrators: Don’t turn your back on childhood Narrator: Call 866-359-3226 for a free We Can!
obesity and malnutrition! Keep junk food away parents’ handbook.
from children! And visit
A message from the US Department of Health
TRACK 7 (Practice 1, Activity 25) and Human Services.
Narrator: While some are undernourished
others suffer from obesity and being overweight.
Teacher’s Book 191