Page 20 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 20

Activity 10
                                                                                 • This activity is meant to increase
                                                                                   awareness of purpose in your     T
                                                                                   students. They should start      rack 6
                                                                                   moving from mere identification
                                                                                   towards a more reflexive
                                                                                   approach in which they
                                                                                   can give a rationale on why
                                                                                   they give a certain answer. This
                                                                                   is the basis for more complex
                                                                                   types of interactions and
                                                                                   metacognitive awareness, which
                                                                                   allows students to progressively
                                                                                   improve their level of
                                                                                   English proficiency.
                                                                                 • The idea of identifying the
                                                                                   audience (even if an example is
                                                                                   provided) is to foster discussion.
                                                                                   Discussion means not only
                                                                                   interacting (which is one of
                                                                                   the main issues to work on
                                                                                   in this level), but also increasing
                                                                                   awareness of language itself.
                                                                                   What’s more important than
                                                                                   giving them carved-in-stone
                                                                                   definitions is that students create
                                                                                   and later discuss their own
                                                                                   conclusions. Knowledge cannot
                                                                                   be transplanted from one person
                                                                                   to another, only the means to
                                                                                   build one’s knowledge.

              Activity 11
              • Since the purpose of this practice is to show support and solidarity, the purpose of the PSA should move in
               that direction, depending on the problem or issue your students’ PSA will deal with.
              • PSAs are more commonly video recordings. However, in this practice we plan to have an
               audio PSA. PSAs are also usually short (30 seconds is the usual length), so the expressions should
               be kept short but with impact.
              • PSAs usually have a catchphrase, since they are a type of ad. Indeed, many PSAs are remembered
               because of their catchphrase. The idea of listing these expressions to support solidarity is to work on them
               so they can become memorable catchphrases for your students’ PSA.
              • The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
               remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
               established with your students.

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 1  19
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