Page 23 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 23

Activity 17 (continues)
              • This activity serves as the basis
               for the first rehearsal of the PSA
               in Activity 24, so you may keep
               this one short. However, we
               recommend you practice this
               activity as many times
               as possible.

              Activity 18
              • You may add the impact or
               sensation caused by the body
               language to the chart.
              • The purpose of registering
               the body language is to have
               a catalogue of body language
               expressions and how they are
               linked to a certain message,
               so you can help your students
               reflect upon the links between
               oral and gestural language.

              Activity 19
              • Remind your students that they
               chose the voice features for
               their PSA in Activity 17. It is
               important to list voice features
               and body language together,
               especially if the option to
               disseminate your PSA is by
               means of a public presentation
               or a video recording.
              • Remember the examples shown in the book are not meant to be exhaustive to the point of hampering or
               replacing your work.

           22     Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 1
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28