Page 21 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 21
Activity 12
• Since PSAs are short texts, they
tend to appeal to emotions
rack 2 rather than giving long
explanations. This is why one
T way to verify how useful (and
powerful) a PSA is, is by means
of checking the emotions
and reactions aroused in
the audience.
• You may use this activity again
at the end of this practice to
verify whether the PSA your
students created is a good one.
Activity 13
• Remember intermediate
assessment is meant to check
what can be improved in order
to achieve a better performance
and a better product. Therefore,
if you consider it too early a
stage to assess, you may want to
revisit this activity later.
• You may use any of the
assessment formats in the
corresponding section in this
book to have more assessments
during this practice, if you
consider them necessary. You
may also change the format if,
in your opinion, the suggested
format is not suitable for your students.
Activity 14
• As you’ve seen, each time we ask you to play tracks that you’ve already played, it’s to focus on details other
than those focused on in the original activity in which the tracks appeared. This is a structural issue
racks 3, 4 and 5 • As explained in the Take a note informative box, emphasis is a multi-layered process and can be
for this pedagogical approach, it is not practicing for the sake practicing, mechanically and without
purpose. Rather, imagine that knowledge is a kaleidoscope, so depending on how you hold it, you will see
different forms and colors appearing. As such, your students have already listened to Track 2 at least three
times during this practice, but this time the focus is on contrasting how emphasis is given.
non-verbal language (a wink, or a smile).
T expressed by many means. Emphasis can be as subtle as adding a well-timed pause or even by means of
• Your students already know how to emphasize in their mother tongue (actually, they learned to do it from
an early age). Help them to transfer that knowledge to their English usage.
• The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
established with your students.
20 Teacher’s Book / Practice 1