Page 27 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 27

Activity 25
              • In some messages, sound
               (and visual) effects are more
          racks 4, 7 and 8  content, since, as they say, a
               memorable than the linguistic

               picture is worth a thousand
               words. This is why sound effects
               can enhance (or derail) a PSA.

               used in some subtler ways.
          T   • Sound effects can also be
               For example, the sound of an
               ambulance siren can be played
               on low volume during a PSA
               and this will have a different
               effect than if it were played for
               only a couple of seconds.

              Activity 26
              • If your students want to work
               on a video PSA, they may use
               techniques other than live
               acting. For example, they may
               use drawings, still photos, or
               simple animation techniques,
               while they dub over. This activity
               should also strive to make them
               aware of the effects of color,
               camera angle and distance.
              • A PSA is informative, but it also
               has narrative elements, so there
               are tropes (commonplaces in
               narration) that may be used
               with a stock effect. For example, upbeat music will automatically lighten the mood, while the effect of slow
               organ music is the opposite. Zooming in on a face in dark hues can convey the idea of anxiety and fear,
               while light and warm colors (red, yellow, orange) have a connotation of optimism and happiness.
              • Remind your students to get the items they need to make the sound effects they want for the PSA and to
               have them ready, since they are nearing the socialization stage of this practice.

              Activity 27
              • Even if the PSA your students are preparing is meant to be an audio recording, it is important to include
               and to show how to use body language expressions, since your students will not be stiff for the whole of
               the recording.
              • These sessions are designed to rehearse and adjust different aspects of the PSA. If there are many groups,
               it will be difficult to present to the whole class, so we suggest in this activity that you use a mixed group
               technique. That is, one member of each team visits other groups to serve for audience testing.
              • Audience testing is quite common in every kind of broadcast (TV or radio programs, ad, PSA, etc.). This is
               used by producers to gauge the audience and make modifications to improve the performance.
              • The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
               remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
               established with your students.

           26     Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 1
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