Page 32 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 32

Activity 2
                                                                                 • Present students with an
                                                                                   example of a dramatic reading.
                                                                                   You can use resources like the
                                                                                   Internet, or just do it yourself.
                                                                                   Ask for another person’s help if
                                                                                 • Elicit the steps needed to
                                                                                   organize a dramatic reading,
                                                                                   what they need to do, the
                                                                                   materials they are going to
                                                                                   use, etc. Involve students in the
                                                                                   planning of the product.
                                                                                 • Ask your students to form teams
                                                                                   for the dramatic reading. They
                                                                                   will work together throughout
                                                                                   this practice.
                                                                                 Activity 3

                                                                                 • Perform the dialogue with a
                                                                                   few students.
                                                                                 • Encourage the teams to discuss
                                                                                   the details of the dialogue to
                                                                                   decide which play they are
                                                                                   going to select.
                                                                                 • Ask a few questions to generate
                                                                                   a discussion.
                                                                                 • Once they have decided on a
                                                                                   play, ask them to fill in a chart in
                                                                                   their notebook.

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