Page 33 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 33
Activity 4
• Have students explore the
images, ask them about what
they see, and ask them if they’ve
heard about the authors or
the plays.
• Ask questions about the colors,
images, fonts, etc. Tell them to
focus on the mouse’s body
on the poster of The Mousetrap;
they should notice that it is in
fact a fingerprint, like the ones
detectives use to solve murders.
• Clarify the meaning of the
words they don’t know.
• Elicit what characters are on
the posters, what they think the
plays are about, how they can
tell, etc. Some possible
answers are:
◗ What is the play about? A
fairy that lives in the forest / A
murder / A man named Ernest
◗ Is it comedy, drama,
suspense? Comedy /
suspense / drama
◗ What characters do you think
are in it? Animals that live in the
woods and fantastic characters
/ A murderer, a detective / A
man named Ernest
Activity 5
• Ask students to sit in teams. Encourage them to think about the dramatic reading, what kind of
performance they want to give, what the best place and time is to present it, etc.
• Discuss each team’s suggestions and decide on the date, time and place of the dramatic reading as a
group. Maybe they could do the dramatic reading during English and invite some parents, or do it after
school hours so nobody misses class. Another option is to present it during the Monday ceremony, in front
of the whole school. Decide with them what option suits the group.
32 Teacher’s Book / Practice 2