Page 45 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 45
Activity 24 (continues)
• If you are presenting just one
play as a class, skip this activity
and practice the performance a
couple of times and time it.
Activity 25
• Remind students of the
importance of being on time
and to check how long the
dramatic reading is.
Activity 26
• Arrange the classroom so that
it is comfortable to move
around in.
• Bring some things like hats and
necklaces for students to get in
the mood.
• Read the activity with your
students first and make sure
they understand it.
• Model if necessary.
• Encourage students to give
some feedback to each team
and provide extra tips for
the performance.
• Emphasize the importance of
reflecting on the feedback each
team got.
• IT box icons appear frequently
in the practices with suggested
websites. We recommend you visit the websites before the session to check whether the contents
proposed are useful for your class planning and to anticipate questions from your students. You may also
want to let them explore the websites freely. These suggestions are not essential for developing the social
practice of language, since we know Internet connection may not be available at all locations.
Activity 27
• Encourage students to reflect on their performance.
• Tell them to focus on the good aspects and the ones they could improve.
44 Teacher’s Book / Practice 2