Page 63 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 63
Activity 31
• If the teams are large (more
than four-five people), it may be
difficult for all of them to work
on the same instructions. You
may decide to split the teams
so that half of them work on one
half of the instructions and the
other half of the team works on
the other half of the instructions.
• English is what linguists call
a non-pro-drop language.
This means that in statements
(declarative sentences), every
single sentence must begin with
a noun phrase or a pronoun.
That means that we cannot
talk about generic situations
or natural phenomena without
using the pronoun it. This differs,
for example, from Spanish,
which is a null-subject language
(declarative sentences may
begin with the mere verb,
even if they refer to natural
phenomena, for example:
Lloverá toda la tarde, Nevó en
las montañas, etc.).
62 Teacher’s Book / Practice 3