Page 47 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 47

Article 7, Your name and nationality,
            the registration of your birth, and parental care:
            The legal registration of your birth is your right. This
            includes the registration of your name and nationality. You
            have the right to know who your parents are and to be cared
            for by them.

            Article 8, Your identity should be preserved:
            Your name, nationality and family members should be
            recognized and respected by the government.

            Article 9, Child separation:
            Separation of children from their parents, unless for the
            children’s welfare, is unacceptable. If your parents have
            separated, you have the right to see them both, unless, by
            doing so, harm may come to you.

            Article 10, Reunification with your parents:
            You have the right to see both of your parents even if they
            live in different countries. Your ability to move between the
            two countries should not be hindered.

            Article 11, No one can move you from one country
            to another illegally:
            The government has the responsibility of ensuring you are
            not taken from your country illegally.
                                                                   Glossary on
            Article 12, Your opinion counts:                        page 94
            You have the right to give your opinion freely
            when adults are making decisions that affect you.

            Article 13, Your right to express yourself freely
            and have access to information:
            Information that is safe for you and others should be
            freely available to you through any medium (printed,
            transmitted, on the web) and you should be able to
            provide such information.

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