Page 46 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 46

ConVenTion on The riGhTs
              of The ChiLd (CrC)                                   worship
                                                                   Glossary on
              (Child-Friendly Version)                              page 94

              Article 1, Characterization of a child:
              This convention states the rights of each child, where
              a child is any person under the age of eighteen.

              Article 2, There shall be no discrimination:
              Discrimination against you, for any reason, including the
              language you speak, how you worship, your race or color,
              your opinions, your social or economic status, etc.

              Article 3, What is in each child’s best interest:
              What is best for you, or indeed any child, should be taken
              into account when taking any action or making any decision
              that affects you.

              Article 4, Ensuring the rights in this Convention:
              You and every child should have these rights protected
              by your government.

              Article 5, Parents’ guidance and the
              child’s expanding abilities:
              The main responsibility for guiding children
              rests with the family. Their duty is to ensure
              that as you grow, you are aware of your
              rights and how to use them properly.

              Article 6, Your right to live your life and
              Living and growing healthily is your right.
              Your survival and healthy development
              should be guaranteed by the government.

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