Page 50 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 50

Article 26, Social security benefits:
              You should be provided, by the government of your place
              of residence, social security benefits. You will then be able
              to live in good conditions and develop fully. These benefits
              should include healthcare, nutritious food and social
              welfare. Families in need should receive subsidies from
              the government.

              Article 27, Acceptable standard of living:
              Your physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social
              development depends on you living in good conditions.
              Families without the resources necessary to provide this
              should be helped by the government.

              Article 28, Good education is your right:
              Human dignity should be respected when administering
              discipline in schools. Education in primary schools should be
              both compulsory and cost-free. Richer countries should help
              poorer countries accomplish this.

              Article 29, Educational goals:
              Educational goals include developing your skills, mental
              and physical, your talents and your personality fully. It should
              teach you to respect your parents, yourself, your culture and
              nation and that of others. You should also be taught what
              your rights are.

              Article 30, Children of minorities and native origin:
              Yours family’s language, culture and religion, even if most
              other people in your country don’t share them, are important
              and you have the right to learn them.

              Article 31, Recreation, relaxation and culture:
              Having time to relax and play and participate in a wide range
              of activities, both recreational and cultural, is your right.

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