Page 48 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 48

Article 14, You have the right to worship,
              think and act with your conscience:
               As long as you do not interfere with the rights of others,
              your right to worship, think and believe as you do is
              unalterable. Your parents will help you choose your path.

              Article 15, You have the right to assemble peacefully
              and associate with whom you wish:
              Without stopping others from enjoying their rights, you can
              associate with and join clubs, groups and organizations with
              your peers.

              Article 16, You have the right to privacy, to defend your
              honor and your reputation:
              Unless they have a good reason, no one can invade your
              home, your correspondence, tarnish your reputation or
              inconvenience you or your family.

              Article 17, Your right to access media in all its forms:
              It is your right to access all media, from television to the
              Internet, from newspapers to radio, from magazines to
              books, as long as you can understand and benefit from it.

              Article 18, Both of your parents are responsible for you:
              What is best for you is something both of your parents need
              to discuss when deciding how to raise you. There should
              be adequate services provided by the government so that
              parents can succeed in their endeavor whether they both
              work or not.

              Article 19, You should not be subject to abuse,
              violence or neglect:
              You should not be abused or neglected by anyone,
              including your parents. No type of violence is acceptable.
              The government should be the watchdog for those
              types of behaviors.

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