Page 53 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 53

inTernaTionaL miGraTion ConVenTion

            Protection of migrant workers and their families is addressed
            in the International Convention on the Protection of the
            Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their
            Families, which entered into force in July 2003. Migrant
            workers and their families are particularly vulnerable to being
            subject to exploitation and violations of their human rights.

            Under the Convention on Migrant Workers, migrant workers’
            rights fall into two main headings:

            •  Migrant workers and their family’s Human Rights
               (Part III): applicable to all migrant workers, including
               undocumented workers.
            •  Other rights migrant workers and their family members
               have (Part IV): these apply only to migrant workers in a
               steady job.

            1. Migrant workers and their family members’
            human rights

            There are no different human rights for those who are
            migrant workers in this Convention. This Convention, in
            Part III, restates the basic human rights outlined in the
            Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Most nations have
            human rights treaties that elaborate on this Convention.

            Why is another International Legal Instrument necessary
            in order to defend these rights?

            Migrant workers and members of their family are often
            subjected to dehumanizing treatment. Their basic human
            rights are are ignored. In some States, migrants, especially
            undocumented migrants, are denied the basic rights
            afforded to citizens.

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