Page 89 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 89

The Picnic

            FRIEND: Did you ever go on school trips when you were
               in Pakistan?
            MALALA: Yes, I went on a couple of trips.
            FRIEND: Which one was the best?
            MALALA: The one when we went to Marghazar.
            FRIEND: What is Marghazar like?
            MALALA: It’s a beautiful green valley where the air is cool,
               and there is a tall mountain and a crystal-clear river.
            FRIEND: What did you do there?
            MALALA: We were planning to have a picnic.
            FRIEND: When did you go?
            MALALA: It was April 2012, the month after our exams,
               so we were all feeling relaxed. It was a group of about
               seventy girls. Our teachers and my parents were there, too.
            FRIEND: That sounds like a lot of people. How did you
               get there?
            MALALA: My father had hired three Flying Coaches, but
               we could not all fit in, so five of us —me, Moniba and three
               other girls— were in the dyna, the school van. It wasn’t very
               comfortable, especially because we also had giant pots
               of chicken and rice on the floor for the picnic, but it was
               only half an hour’s drive. We had fun, singing songs on
               the way there. We were also pretending to be vampires
               in the forest, since we were obsessed with a Hollywood
               vampire saga.

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