Page 92 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 92


                   afraid (adj.): feeling fear or apprehension, reluctant
                   (to do something).

                   against (prep.): opposed to; in conflict or
                   disagreement with.

                   air-vent (n.): a small opening through which air can
                  escape from an enclosed space.

                  bassoon (n.): a woodwind instrument, the tenor of
                  the oboe family.

                  bell-rope (n.): a rope attached to a bell.

                  blackout (n.): failure of electrical power supply.

                  blood sausage (n.): a kind of black sausage made
                  from minced pork fat, pig’s blood, and other

                  bounce off (phrasal verb): something that hits it and
                  then moves away from it again.

                 crispy (adj.): food that is pleasantly hard or has a
                 pleasantly hard surface.

                 damage (n.): physical harm that is caused to
                 someone or something.

                 dash (n.): pinch; sprinkle.

                 deal with (v.): take measures concerning (someone
                 or something), especially with the intention of
                 putting something right.

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