Page 94 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 94
phase out (v.): discontinue or withdraw gradually.
range (n.): the limits within which a person or thing
can function effectively.
ravine (n.): a deep narrow steep-sided
valley, especially one formed by the action
of running water.
raw (adj.): (of food) not cooked.
remains (n.): any pieces, scraps, fragments, etc.,
that are left unused or still extant, as after use,
consumption, the passage of time, etc.
rendered obsolete (phrase): to make something
sidewalk (n.): a path for pedestrians, usually paved,
along the side of a street.
sinew (n.): another name for tendon.
speckled (adj.): covered with small marks, spots, or
split (v.): to separate, cut, or divide into two or more
parts; cause to separate along the grain or length;
break into layers.
Reader's Book 93