Page 93 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 93
flat (adj.): plane.
foe (n.): enemy (in all senses).
further (adv.): in addition; furthermore.
garnish (v.): decorate; trim.
heap (n.): a collection of articles or mass of material
gathered together in one place.
impersonate (v): pretend to be another person.
issue (n.): act of sending or giving out something;
supply; delivery.
light (adj.): not heavy.
locked (adj.): fastened with a lock.
masala (n.): mixture of spices ground into a paste,
used un Indian cookery.
mending (n): things to be repaired by sewing,
darning, patching, etc.
oats (n.): cereal crop or its grains, used for making
biscuits or a food called porridge, or for
feeding animals.
92 Reader's Book