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because they thought that there was not enough food for
               so many girls and added water from the stream. We said
               it was “the worst lunch ever”. It was so watery that one girl
               said, “The sky could be seen in the soupy curry.”
            FRIEND: Oh, no! What happened next?
            MALALA: Like on all our trips, my father got us all to stand
               on a rock and talk about our impressions of the day before
               we left. This time, all anyone talked about was
               how bad the food was. My father was embarrassed and,
               for once, short of words.

                Source: (Adaptation) Yousafzai, Malala; Lamb, Christina
                (2013). I Am Malala. The Girl Who Stood Up for Education
                and was Shot by the Taliban. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

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