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steep (adj.): abrupt; precipitous.

                steamed (adj.): cooked by exposure to steam.

                stewed (adj.): cooked by stewing.

                stir-fry (v.): to cook small pieces of meat, vegetables,
                etc. rapidly by stirring them on a wok or frying pan.

                strad (n.): short for Stradivarius.

                Steinway (n.): company that makes pianos.

                taste (n.): the sense by the which the qualities and
                flavor of a substance are distinguished.

                thick (adj.): of relatively great extent from one
                 surface to the other; fat, broad, or deep.

                 towards (prep.): in the direction or vicinity of.

                 welfare (n.): health, happiness, wellbeing.

                 whistle (n.): a device for making a shrill high-pitched
                 sound by means of air or steam under pressure.

                 wild (adj.): not domesticated or tame.

                 wiles (n.): clever tricks that people use to persuade
                 other people to do something.

                  worship (v.): show profound religious devotion and
                  respect to; adore or venerate.

                  wrap (v.): fold or wind paper, cloth, etc., around a
                  person or thing to cover it.

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