Page 73 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 73
Activity 11
• Actions, images, sound effects
and dialogues are sets of
rack 28 to effectively transmit their
elements that allow TV programs
different objectives. When we
T watch TV, the power of the image
and actions depicted reign
supreme, but they are worthless
without dialogue. Finally, sound
effects, which are usually added
after the images, may contribute
to the feeling a program conveys.
Silence is also expressive.
For example, at certain solemn
events, there are intentional
pauses to allow the public to
reflect on what was said and
to let the emotions sink in.
• Remember, you could just
play a part of the track if your
students are already working on
their own, or play it two or three
times if you notice they need
more support.
• The examples include instances
of real English, that is, not
textbook expressions. Therefore,
help your students understand
the example in full.
Activity 12
• This activity aims to identify
different formal details that are useful to improve comprehension and then to make comments. These
rack 25 comments, as imprecise as they may be, are the basis for creating better metalinguistic awareness, which
in turn will be useful when listening to and understanding programs and conversations.
T • For example, pauses are a strategy that can help identify how both rehearsed and spontaneous speech is
understood, as well as anticipating the meaning of words that may be misheard when they are listened to
for the first time.
72 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4