Page 77 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 77
Activity 20
• Discuss the importance of
the relationship between the
emotions experienced while
watching a television program
and the actions, images,
dialogues and sound resources
it offers. Keep in mind this
strategy appears in the syllabus.
• Invite students to compare the
scenes and to determine which
ones they like best and why.
Remind them to defend their
point of view with evidence.
• Ask students what they
think about how one student
corrected the other in the
dialogue. Elicit the importance
of providing constructive
feedback and giving it in a
respectful way.
Activity 21
• Help students identify the
highlights they most remember
from the TV program.
• Ask them to describe those
details using adjectives and
synonyms. For example:
incredible, spectacular,
wonderful, amazing, etc.
• Encourage them to portray a full
scene that includes the details they liked the most and the adjectives they think best describe it.
76 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4