Page 75 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 75
Activity 14 (continues)
• If your students have the
equipment, they can orally
state their main ideas and the
complementary information
and record it. That way, they can
receive feedback on how well
they can make an oral synthesis,
which is a useful skill to have in
certain communicative situations
(for example, an emergency call
or when presenting a
problem or issue with
a product).
• If they want to check that they
have chosen the correct main
ideas, they can arrange them
in a list and give it to another
student to see if they can rebuild
the text and be understood
without a hitch.
Activity 15
• Tell your students that mastering
a language, most of the time is
more than just speaking, writing,
listening or reading, because
it involves how they overcome
any difficulties they encounter
while interacting with the
foreign language. Some of them
are strictly book-based while
others involve asking others for
solutions and help.
Activity 16
• It is important to expose your students to different accents. The CD has tracks with contents in different
variations of English. If they are available, try to bring programs not just from the US
rack 25 ways of speaking English.
or the UK to class, but from other countries. They are an excellent way to get acquainted with different
T • If you have time, help your students identify the sound features that differentiate English from other
languages. For example, the pronunciation of /r/, and the pronunciation of certain vowels.
• When listening to English, prepare your students for non-standard pronunciations. In real-life settings, they
can use strategies to repair broken communication, but if they do that repeatedly, people will shy away
from them or they might get angry. That’s why it is important to develop listening strategies.
Activity 17
• If there is time, you could expand this activity to include checking all the grammatical differences on the track.
• If there are no differences between American and British English on the track, help your students identify
some quirks of the dialects from the same variation. Every language has variants (indeed, what we speak
is a dialect from a certain language, rather than speaking “a” language), so it might be useful to detect
differences even when all actors are American or British.
74 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4