Page 106 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 106
21. Look up the main ideas of the information you registered. List them in your
notebook. Look at the example.
Example: session 8
Sentences with the main ideas of the text The Inside of a Wind Turbine
1. Wind turbines use wind to make electricity.
2. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator and
makes electricity.
3. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power.
4. Modern wind turbines fall into two basic groups: the horizontal-axis
axis (n.):
variety and the vertical-axis design. eje Main ideas. Image-text links
5. Wind turbines can be built on land or offshore in large bodies of water.
• Give reasons why you think they are main ideas. Look at the example.
a. How do wind turbines make electricity? is Simply stated is not a main idea, because it
not part of the first main idea, because it just introduces something else.
is a question that will be answered later.
c. d. But when you find out wind turbines use
Moreover, you can understand the whole
wind to make electricity, that answers the
point of the paragraph by reading that idea.
question at the beginning.
22. Look for images of the parts of the machine you chose in the sources of
information you are working with. Look at the example.
• Exchange opinions about the links between the images and the information
you registered in Activity 15.
• Pay attention to the differences in words and expressions in American
and British variants. Listen to the full example on Track 35. TRACK 35
I’m looking it up in the dictionary and it
says it goes in the opposite direction in
Look, here we can see how the arrow
which the hands of a clock move, that is,
indicates the direction in which the wind turns
they turn to the left. It also says in British
the blades. It says here counterclockwise,
what is that? English the word used is anticlockwise.
Look at the arrow again, do you get it?
You're right. And now, take a look at this. I
can follow the direction of the infographic
from the beginning with the wind turbine We use pylon, since it is the British word
until it reaches the transmission towers for tranmission tower.
you can see on the picture.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 6 105