Page 105 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 105


                     18. It’s time to check your performance up to this point.

                         •  Copy the following format in your notebook and fill it in with the information

                            related to the activities you have already finished, especially the purpose and what
          Reading strategies  Example:  Activity:    Choosing sources of information.
                            your experience was while carrying out the activity. Look at the example.

                                    of the
                                    activity:        To obtain the information needed for our infographic.

                                    My               We had some difficulty at first, because we chose how
                                    experience       wind turbines work, but our teacher helped us to find
           session 7   19. Answer the following questions to think about the strategies you used
                                                     information about them on government websites
                                    out this
                                                     with information about renewable sources of energy.

                         when reading.

                         •  Which strategy/strategies helped you to understand the information and which
                            did not? Why?

                     20. Exchange the answers to the questions in the previous activity with a partner
                         and do the following.

                         •  Read a paragraph from the information your partner registered.
                         •  Explain the strategy you follow to understand what you’ve read.

                         •  Show each other how you use such strategies. If needed,
                            go back to the example in the previous activity.           That sounds like
                     Example:                    In my                              a good idea, because I
                                             case, I read all                    did it backwards and it didn’t
                                        the information once. Then                work for me. I’ll try your
                                       I re-read the paragraphs with                  strategy out.
                                      concepts I didn’t get and, since
                 I read all the        I had already read everything,
                                         I could understand them.
           information, but I underlined                                               I did what he did,
         the words I did not understand.                                             but instead of using a
        Then, I used the dictionary to look                                        dictionary, I asked questions
           up their meaning and I read                                           and I used the images to find out
             the information again.                                               the meaning of the concepts I
                                                                                       didn’t understand.

           104     Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 6
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