Page 43 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 43

Closure stage-socialization

                   32. Gather the poems for your emotionary and do the following:                   Glossary on
                                                                                                     page 182
         Relative pronouns  •  Use the paragraph you wrote in Activity 30, in which you
                       •  Check the emotions and illustrations in Activity 26.

                         describe the feelings and emotions provoked by each poem.
                       •  Try adding words written in capitals and exclamation points and
                         check what happens.

                   33. Read the paragraphs you wrote in Activity 30 and do the
           session10   •  Replace the repeated names with relative pronouns. Look at the
                       •  Check in which cases the names of things or people are repeated.


                            In I was
                       worried about
                   the poet. The poet was sad,
                 afraid and angry with himself.
                The word poet appears twice.

                                                              We can replace it with
                                                              this: I was worried about
                                                              the poet who was sad,
                                                                afraid and angry with


                                                                                               We use relative
                                                                                               pronouns to
                                                                                               include extra
                                                                                              about someone
                                                                                              or something we
                                                                                              mentioned before.
                                                                                              For example:
                                                                                             "The person who
                                                                                             I argued with was
                                                                                             my foe". Who is
                                                                                             generally only for
                                                                                             people, whose is
                                                                                            for possession,
                                                                                            which is for things,
                                                                                            and that can be
                                                                                            used for things
                                                                                            and people.

           42      Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 2
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