Page 63 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 63
Family and community environment
Social language practice: Exchange emotions and reactions caused by a television program.
In this practice, you will learn to participate in
an interview where you will share the emotions,
reactions and impressions provoked by a TV program.
Warm-up stage
1. Brainstorm everything you know about television (e.g. TV shows, actors and
actresses, channels, etc.). Use magazines and illustrations to make a collage on
Things I know. Planning our product
your notebook. Look at the example.
Channel Cartoons Camera
Simulcast Soap operas Sitcoms
Director Documentaries Cable TV
Prime time Season finales Angle
Producer Smart TV Advertisements
Pay-per-view Script Morning shows
Football games Talk shows News programs
2. Tell a friend if you have a favorite TV show from
an English-speaking country. (n.): transmisión
session 1 • Complete the chart with the information you discussed. Mass media such as
• Write your name in the second column and your
(n.): comedia
de situaciones
friend’s name in the third.
If you need more space, make a similar chart in your
radio, newspapers
Name: Name: as digital platforms
and television, as well
that distribute this
Favorite TV show audience. There are
content, reach a wide
many channels and
types of shows for
It’s about… varied audiences,
such as cartoons,
soap operas, news
Has your partner watched programs, science and
it? If so, what were her / his nature documentaries,
sitcoms, etc.
reactions? If not, would she /
he be willing to watch it?
Continue this activity on the next page
62 Studentʼs Book / Practice 4