Page 124 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 124

Activity 9
                                                                                 • Play the track and encourage
                                                                                   students to talk about Wangari    T
                                                                                   Maathai’s anecdote.
                                                                                 • Provide some guidance, ask       rack 39
                                                                                   questions and give examples of
                                                                                   how it relates to them.
                                                                                 • If needed, play the track several
                                                                                   times to make sure all students
                                                                                   understand it.
                                                                                 Activity 10

                                                                                 • Encourage students to
                                                                                   think about some personal
                                                                                   experiences they want to share
                                                                                   in this practice.
                                                                                 • Remind students of the
                                                                                   importance of building
                                                                                   a respectful and trusting
                                                                                   environment, so that they feel
                                                                                   confident speaking in English.
                                                                                 • Go through the example with
                                                                                   students and tell them it is about
                                                                                   Nadia Comaneci, the teenage
                                                                                   gymnast who got a perfect
                                                                                   score during the Montreal
                                                                                   Olympics in 1976.
                                                                                 • If you have access to
                                                                                   a computer, play the
                                                                                   recommended video so
                                                                                   students can watch Nadia
                                                                                   Comaneci tell her anecdote.
              • IT box icons appear frequently in the practices with suggested websites. We recommend you visit the
               websites before the session to check whether the contents proposed are useful for your class planning
               and to anticipate questions from your students. You may also want to let them explore the websites freely.
               These suggestions are not essential for developing the social practice of language, since we know Internet
               connection may not be available at all locations.

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