Page 125 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 125
Activity 11
• Allow some time for students
to read the extract of Rosa
Parks’ anecdote.
• Go through the example and let
students do the rest.
• Provide help if necessary.
• Encourage students to tell the
class how they were able to
organize the main ideas in the
anecdote, what details they
used and if they had any trouble
completing the activity.
• Tell students to check their
answers in their Reader’s Book,
and answer any questions they
may have.
• Ask students to scan the
anecdotes they selected and to
find the main ideas by using
the same clues they
discussed before.
• Encourage students to
summarize what their anecdote
is about, using the main ideas
they highlighted.
124 Teacher’s Book / Practice 7