Page 130 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 130
Activity 21
• Before listening to the track, ask
students to read the paragraph T
and to decide if they can
understand it. rack 42
• Encourage them to predict
what the missing words are and
ask them how they were able to
find out which words
were missing.
• Play the track and give them
some time to write down
the answers.
• Check the answers and review
REMEMBER. Discuss how
adverbs change the meaning of
a sentence (i.e. Saying, “They
didn’t have water.” is not the
same as saying, “They didn’t
have enough water.”).
Activity 22
• Allow some time for students to
scan the chart. T
• Elicit what details are for and if
there is a difference between rack 42
telling an anecdote with just the
main ideas and one with
some details.
• Play the track.
• To check their answers,
encourage students to tell
Wangari Maathai’s anecdote by linking the main ideas with the details they selected.
• Emphasize the different versions that might appear, but remind them that the general meaning does
not change.
• The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
established with your students.
Activity 23
• Go through the example with students and answer any questions they may have.
• Show them the different sub-products as evidence of the process of writing.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 7 129