Page 54 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 54
Activity 11
• Begin the activity by asking
students a few questions
about the natural disaster they
selected. Have them share their
previous knowledge.
• Linking a reading with what they
already know allows students: a)
to avoid misconceptions which
might be based on hearsay
or on unreliable sources; b)
to predict its content, making
comprehension easier
(which is the focus of the
upcoming activity).
Activity 12
• Prediction of content relies not
only on words or their order, but
also on the structure, the link
between images and the parts
of the integral text. You may want
your students to focus on one
of the aforementioned details
so that they gain experience in
using different indices to
predict content.
• In big teams, a common
problem is that some students
are more extroverted than
others. Those students tend to
do most of the talking, lessening the chances for those who are more introverted to take part. In order to
avoid this situation, you may want to help your students to keep their participation short for at least two
rounds of opinions and then to give longer turns. Thus, introverted students have a better chance of putting
their point forward.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 3 53