Page 51 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 51
Activity 4
• This might not be the first time
your students have worked with
establishing search criteria for
themselves. In the second part
of this activity, have them give
several reasons for choosing
their sets of instructions.
• You may provide examples
of less appropriate texts,
so students can identify the
qualities of good texts and why
it is essential to use those.
• Make sure your students use
graphic as well as textual
information to complete
this activity.
Activity 5
• It is important to provide your
students with examples of
different ways of presenting
instructions. This will be useful
not only for their poster later,
but they will have the chance to
see that texts may be equally
effective notwithstanding their
outer differences. This means
you can have good text without
pictures or really good pictures
accompanying bad text. The
text can also be distributed
differently (columns, one text block, etc.).
• Remind your students that texts are more than the words we write or read. On posters, the use of other
resources (colors, lines, size, spaces) are vital for a good poster.
• You may want to spend some time looking up good examples of instructions. Remember, the aim of this
activity is to have a glance at the instructions. They will have plenty of time in the sessions that follow to
analyze them.
Activity 6
• The aim of this activity is to understand that texts may have more than one purpose. Thus, it is important to
recognize that people can find the text informative even if it was not originally intended for them.
• It is not necessary to have a complex diagram. As long as it is understandable, it will be fine.
• Help your students with the words or expressions they need to design their diagram.
50 Teacher’s Book / Practice 3