Page 55 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 55

Activity 13
              • This is an activity based on
               what psychologists and linguists
               call metalinguistic awareness,
               that is, the ability to manipulate
               language units (sounds,
               morphemes, words, etc.). As
               with any other linguistic skill, it
               takes many experiences with
               language beyond the classroom
               and reflection upon the mother
               tongue. This activity is useful
               because it helps to broaden
               students’ range of expressions
               as well as giving them more
               clues for understanding
               new repertoires of words
               and expressions.
              • Make sure your students get
               the idea that they should look
               for the meaningful parts within
               words. These parts usually share
               the letters they begin with.

              Activity 14
              • If your students need more
               information to establish the
               most common natural disasters
               in their community, they could
               ask relatives and acquaintances
               if they remember a natural
               disaster that occurred where
               they live, when it happened and what its aftermath was.
               This could help your students make their proposals for their posters.
              • The book proposes a poster as a product to be developed during this practice. Other suitable options may
               be a leaflet (which, in turn, may be useful for people visiting the place where you and your students are)
               or if where you live is an area that can be threatened by more than one natural disaster; you could produce
               a guide that can be used by visitors. You can even make street signs (remember to ask permission of local
               authorities), thus creating a plurilingual space beyond school.

              Activity 15
              • Remind your students they have argued other choices before. Model how to use expressions which can be
               used to argue their point.
              • Help your students to recognize how ambitious they can be when establishing their purpose and
               addressee. Take into account time limits and your students’ level of competency to define whether the
               purpose and addressee are plausible decisions. Remember challenges must not be so hard they become
               unreachable and discouraging and they also cannot be so simple they are unattractive.

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