Page 74 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 74

Activity 10
                                                                                 • While consulting the glossary is
                                                                                   a good idea, it is also important    T
                                                                                   to help your students develop
                                                                                   other strategies to understand   rack 25
                                                                                   words and expressions they
                                                                                   don’t know. Dictionaries
                                                                                   are usually forbidden on
                                                                                   international certifications at this
                                                                                   level. That’s why it is crucial to
                                                                                   model strategies such as relying
                                                                                   on words similar to those in
                                                                                   their mother tongue, re-reading,
                                                                                   looking for appositives (when
                                                                                   authors highlight a specific word
                                                                                   by furthering the description
                                                                                   and placing it between two
                                                                                   commas), and relying on
                                                                                   prefixes, suffixes and roots.

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 4  73
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