Page 70 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 70
Activity 4 (continues)
• In this case, the headlines are
more or less straightforward.
However, some headlines may
have an allusion to pop culture
or other non-mainstream
references. If you want to help
your students understand the
content of a piece of news, you
should begin with a really good
understanding of the headline.
Activity 5
• The purpose of this activity is
to detect key words written by
others. It is also a good way
to improve pronunciation in a
contextualized manner.
• Remind your students about key
words. If your students have any
questions, provide them with
a short definition (words that
contain the essential information
needed to understand a text or
a part of it, in this case,
the headline).
• When asked for an opinion,
students commonly understand
that they should give a like/hate
comment. While that is a kind of
opinion, it is important to help
your students go beyond those kinds of comments, by modeling expressions or brainstorming ideas for
opinions. Although monitoring production is necessary, allowing feedback between peers is essential, that
is the idea of transitioning from being a basic user to an independent user.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 4 69