Page 73 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 73
Activity 8
• In this practice, we consider
how two different publications
address the same news story.
If this is not possible, you could
examine how the same source
treats two different news stories
in the same section.
• If your students need help with
what kind of expressions they
may use to exchange opinions,
guide them to Activity 5.
• If Internet is available, help them
to locate news metasearch
web tools. That way you can
locate the same event easily.
• You may want to use a recent
piece of news. This increases
the chances of finding the
same event reported by
different sources.
• Depending on the news you
and your students find, you may
need to adapt the data for the
chart. Remember, the example
is just a model that we have
prepared for you. You should
help your students to adapt
their chart to their own pieces
of news.
Activity 9
• The paraphrasing activity will come in handy when students write a brief comparison of the main
issues in their news stories (Activity 21), so it’s a good idea to set aside enough time for the activity
to be completed.
• If there is time, you may want to write how the headlines were paraphrased on the board. It is important
to mention that writing the paraphrased headline does not (and should not) copy word for word what your
students say.
• Remember, formal details can be reviewed now and again from different angles. The definition is not the
point, it is how the concept may help to improve understanding and expression.
72 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4