Page 75 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 75
Activity 10 (continues)
• The reason for choosing a
piece of news about which you
already have prior knowledge is
that the clues you already hold
can boost your comprehension.
If, however, by some reason
your students chose a piece of
news about which they do not
have prior knowledge, you may
want to change this part of the
discussion to what they would
like to know about the events.
Activity 11
• If different teams are working
on different pieces of news,
this activity may extend into a
whole-class activity.
• Long titles do not always
indicate best what the content
of the story is, so help your
students focus on the content
itself, rather than on the
headline. Mention that titles
that are too short are
sometimes uninformative.
• Remember to foster the use
of expressions to give and
exchange views on the topic.
That is one issue that is usually
considered at this level
of proficiency.
• The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
established with your students.
74 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4