Page 38 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 38

except the Stars and Stripes,   determined to make a stand
              held by the Californian law    against the British tyrant who
              student and shot putter,       oppressed the Irish. ‘This
              Ralph Rose.                    flag dips to no earthly king,’
                                             the young democrat was
              The British press at the time   supposed to have said as he
              overlooked the incident,       held his flag high.
              but the Irish paper in New
              York, The Gaelic American,     Historians dispute whether
              picked up Rose’s gesture       the words were actually
              and made much of it.           said by Rose or were a
              When an American sports        later embellishment to the
              journalist revived the story   story, but the fact remains
              in the 1950s, it told of       that after 1908, the national
              Ralph Rose being “taken        Olympic team was here to
              aside” the night before the    stay and the 1908 US team
              opening ceremony by a core     had made the first Olympic
              of Irish American athletes     political protest.


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