Page 37 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 37

British Empire set out to       revival. He and the Swedish
            organize it. In the first Games  Government had – unlike
            of the modern Olympics,         the British government
            anyone – or perhaps more        – provided substantial
            accurately, any sporting        subsidies to send the third
            man (Baron de Coubertin,        largest national team to
            the “father” of the Olympic     London for the 1908 Games.
            movement, did not approve       And, Prince Gustavo, an
            of women performing in          honored guest of the British
            public sporting contests) –     King and Queen, was
            who had the private means       among the royal party
            to turn up at the venue         in the royal box.
            could put himself down
            to compete.                     The Prince was polite in front
                                            of his royal hosts about the
            It was, perhaps unfortunate,    omission of his national flag.
            therefore, that in the rush
            to prepare the White City       The American Committee,
            stadium for the King’s arrival   however, suspected a
            to open the Games on the        deliberate insult. They
            afternoon of Monday, July       produced their own Stars
            13th, 1908, the national flags   and Stripes and had it run up
            run up the poles included       the pole. The Swedes had to
            those of Japan and China        make do with the single flag
            (neither of which would         carried before their team
            send representatives to the     in the parade.
            Olympic games for some
            years yet), but omitted those   The parade climaxed
            of Sweden and the United        with the massed ranks of
            States of America.              athletes behind their
                                            flagbearers facing the
            The Crown Prince of Sweden,     royal box. With a fanfare
            president of the Swedish        from the trumpeters of
            Amateur Athletic Association,   the Life Guards, the flags
            had been a key supporter        were dipped to salute King
            of the Olympics since their     Edward VII; every flag, that is,

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