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              The First Olympic Protest
              By Rebecca Jenkins

              Just over 100 years ago,
              London hosted its first
              Olympic Games – the
              Fourth Olympiad of 1908.
              It was a fledgling version of   hydrate, so the winning time
              what we have today – only      wouldn’t have even qualified
              2023 athletes competed,        a modern athlete for the
              approximately the same         Olympic team today.
              number that will participate
              in just the athletic           It is well known that in 1908,
              events in 2012.                the marathon was run for the
                                             first time at the modern
              Of course, the Olympic         Olympic distance of 26
              Games were rather different    miles, 385 yards. But what
              then – there was no torch      is often overlooked is that
              relay, or spectacular opening  these Edwardian games
              ceremony with a stadium        were the first to have an
              transformed by pageants        opening ceremony revolving
              of England’s green and         around a parade of nations;
              pleasant land. In 1908, the    in short, the first London
              tug-of-war was a medal-        Olympics witnessed the birth
              winning contest, as were       of Team GB.
              massed gymnastic displays
              (very popular with the         It has been said that whereas
              northern European nations      the Germans excavated
              with military conscription)    Ancient Olympia and the
              and marathon runners were      French reanimated its spirit,
              not encouraged to re-          the Edwardian sons of the

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