Page 132 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 132
Activity 11 (continues)
• Play the track and encourage
students to identify, in the
diagram, what the interlocutors T
are discussing. rack 53
• Go through the REMEMBER
with them and ask them to
provide other examples of these
• Encourage students to discuss
the other team’s story by using
the diagram they drew.
• Make sure students recognize
the relevance of looking for
clues in the story while reading
because you will need them
for the final version of their
comic strip. It will allow them
to use different strategies to
understand the development of
actions. Keep in mind that this
activity is a strategy for Reading
fantasy or suspense literature to
evaluate cultural differences, the
social practice of the language
you are working on.
Activity 12
• Ask students to choose an
extract they liked from the story
they selected in Activity 7.
• Remind them that they are going to analyze how the narrator tells this particular part of the story, in order
to determine how the reader feels.
• Go through the example with students and elicit the types of sound effects (strong storm, howling wind,
heavy rain, a woman’s scream, a whistle, falling metal) that are highlighted. You could ask questions such as
if these are pleasant sounds or not, how does a storm sound, what are the characteristics of this woman’s
scream, if it is high-pitched or not, etc.
• Encourage them to tell you about the other two details that are in the example, who says those lines (Julia,
Helen’s sister, and Helen, when she calls her stepfather), and what their actions imply, if they are sleeping
in a peaceful way, or if they portray fear and danger.
• Go through the conclusion from the example and encourage students to determine if they agree with it or not.
• Elicit the conclusion they reached with their own stories and remind them to support it with arguments and
evidence from the text.
• Make sure students recognize the relevance of identifying the sounds, the actions and the characters’
lines, since it will allow them to reflect on the resources used by the author and the illustrator to provoke
several effects in the text that influence the reader. Keep in mind that this activity provides students with
the knowledge and strategies needed to create their comic strip and to work with the social practice of the
language: Reading fantasy or suspense literature to evaluate cultural differences.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 131