Page 133 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 133
Activity 13
• Elicit who the main, secondary,
and incidental characters from
their story are, and ask students
to write them down.
• Go through the example with
them and read the REMEMBER.
They should understand that
these questions are meant to
help them determine the role
each character in the story
• Ask students to determine the
main, secondary and incidental
characters in “The Speckled
Band” by looking at the chart.
There are no incorrect answers
as long as they support their
arguments with evidence. For
example, some might say that
without Roylott the story would
never occur, thus he is one of
the main characters; but he is
not in all the scenes and we
mostly never see him in action.
• Play the track and check with
students if they reached an
agreement while they were
discussing the characters from
“The Speckled Band”.
• Encourage them to discuss the
story they selected and remind
them to use the chart and the questions in it as arguments. They should also have the story at hand to go
back to the text and support their opinions.
• Make sure students recognize the relevance of analyzing the characters in a story and of thinking about
how they are portrayed through their actions. That will allow them to identify if they are the main characters,
or just secondary or incidental.
132 Teacher’s Book / Practice 8