Page 137 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 137
Activity 19
• Go through the example with
students and answer any
questions that may arise.
• Ask them if they agree with the
chronological order of events.
You could ask them some
follow-up questions, such as
why “I live with my stepfather”
(14) happens before “If Julia or
I marry, he must pay us £250?”
(15). They should be able to
recognize that Helen still lives
with her stepfather, and that is
happening in the present, but the
marriage is only a possibility that
belongs in the future.
• Read the REMEMBER with
students and answer any
questions that may arise.
• Allow some time for students
to complete the activity. You
can ask them to then select an
extract from the story they are
working with, or the whole text.
• Monitor and provide help
if necessary.
136 Teacher’s Book / Practice 8