Page 138 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 138
Activity 20
• Go through the example with
students and encourage them
to link the events on the timeline
with the ones in the example of
Activity 19, which belong to
the original text of “The
Speckled Band”.
• Allow some time for students to
draw the timeline of the story
they selected and include the
main events.
• Remind them to organize the
events in accordance with the
numbers they wrote in the
previous activity.
• Monitor and provide help
if necessary.
• Tell students that this timeline
will help them determine the
way they are going to organize
their comic strip. There is no
best way to do it, it will depend
on what suits them. For example,
they could conform to the order
of the original story, choose
chronological order, or tell the
story from the present to the past.
• Go through the REMEMBER
with students.
• Make sure students recognize the relevance of putting the events in a sequential order, since it will allow
them to determine the number of panels in their comic strip and in which order they will present them.
Activity 21
• Read the example with students and ask them what order the comic strip will follow. Answers may vary, but
students should be able to recognize that it is similar to the way the original story is presented.
• Tell them to just focus on what is going to happen in each panel. That will help them design the format of
the comic strip and to determine how many panels will be on each page, or if one needs to be larger to fit
in more events.
• Allow some time for students to complete the plan for their comic strip and encourage them to use the
events from the timeline they made in the previous activity.
• Remind students that this plan will help them notice if they are missing anything important to the story, and
to include all the details.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 137