Page 142 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 142
Activity 26 (continues)
• Encourage students to analyze
their first draft and to edit the
text as much as possible, and to
include this information in the
form of speech bubbles or draw
it in the illustrations when they
make the final version.
• Have some comic strips or
comic books for students to
scan. If they have a few at
hand, they will find it easier to
determine the amount of text
there should be in each panel,
and how much the characters
should speak.
Activity 27
Closure stage-socialization
• Go through the example with
students and elicit what kinds of
marks there are. Their answers
may vary, but they should be
able to identify that there is only
one mistake, and the rest of the
notes are to provide information
that an attentive reader would
be able to recognize. For
example, if they express the
time in numbers, the information
will be accurate, but the
expression given is commonly
used in the UK, therefore the
story is set in the UK.
• Encourage students to check the paragraphs they wrote in Activity 26 and to make sure all the words are
spelled correctly. They should also check if their grammar is correct and what punctuation marks are not
used properly.
• Remind students to use a dictionary or to ask others for their opinion on how to adjust words or phrases in
the paragraphs.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 141